The Society of Working Moms exists to create a community of support for and by women who love their careers and their families, but who might not feel fully supported in either.

Working Moms is pretty damn awesome.
Our members say it best:


  • More commonly referred to as “Working Moms” (and noted as “WM”) we are a global network of moms who are committed to uplifting and supporting our fellow moms.

    It’s not just another app. It’s not a faceless message board. It’s a true community, built within Slack to be compatible for async community building and your use throughout the workweek.

    (No experience with Slack? Not a problem! It’s fairly intuitive and our community manager is dedicated to making sure you feel confident navigating the channels so that you can get the most out of the group!)

  • Short answer: ABSOLUTELY!

    As the name implies, this group is for moms who are in the workforce. However you define those two identities is up to you!

    Whether you're a first-time expectant mom, a “bonus” mom, or an empty nester; whether you work part time for yourself or are CEO at a Fortune 500, whether you are in the western hemisphere or the eastern, we hope you will find a home in the Society of Working Moms. (And with a 2-week free trial, why not join us?)

  • Membership is $25/mo (or $250 if you sign up for the year!) and includes access to experts via our coaching channel and free admission to our premium monthly events.

  • You never know what you don’t ask! Here is an email template for making the case to your manager! (This is merely a starting point; make it your own!)

  • Wow, how very thoughtful of you! We do have gift memberships available for our annual plans ($250).

  • Not at this very moment, but we would love to chat about how our community of supportive women and experts can support your working moms! Please reach out at